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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Whenever your mind is full of stressful thoughts, rather than letting it all stew, let it all go. Imagine your stressful thoughts as balloons and then one by one, let go. Watch all the balloons float away, becoming smaller and smaller, a dot in the distance, until they're...

Do you think of mistakes as bad or wrong? Well, mistakes are inevitable. But a common mistake we all make is not learning from them. Ask yourself:  What do I now know that I didn’t before? What do I need to do differently to keep it from happening...

We find inspiration in nature and art…. in problems and failures…. in people’s stories and talents… . in a crowd or in the shower…. Inspiration is everywhere and it can come anytime. Be more observant and receptive to inspiration; it’ll stimulate creativity, fuel motivation and spark joy.   Until...

Is your inner voice supporting or sabotaging you? If your inner voice has become an endless chatter of worries and negativity, it’s probably impacting your self-worth and achievements. Become more mindful of your inner voice and harness it to make it positive and powerful. Then, your inner voice...

  How often do you find yourself responding to other people's suggestions with a ‘No’? Next time, approach your conversations with more openness, less ego and use the "Yes, and…" principle from improv. Respond with ‘Yes’ to acknowledge the other person's suggestion. Follow it with ‘and,’ and add your...

When someone isn't at their best, focus on their best. Think about their skills, strengths, and past successes, no matter how small. Focus on what you appreciate in them and keep this in mind whenever you think or interact with them. And you’ll not only create an...

Next time you're out in nature; a garden, park, lake or beach, take a moment to engage your senses and pay attention to your surroundings. Observe the colours, patterns and shapes of the plants and the trees. Listen to the birds chirping or the leaves rustling in...

The way you think sharpens your focus and expands your possibilities. Today, think big about who you are and what you can contribute. And then, think bigger. If you’re not thinking big, ask yourself why you’re limiting yourself? Think bigger and go for it. And even if you don't...

When there’s stress and obstacles, do you fight or take flight? Fight every battle and you’ll feel drained. Take flight and you’ll just postpone facing reality. Here’s another alternative; flow. Switch off the fight and flight response, accept what is and flow. Flow forward and it’ll make things easier and...