10 most complained – about Airlines !

hello peeps,

As most of you know I am Virgin Chic…. so its very rare that I will fly another airline, unless Richard has not yet brought that particular route…… i.e I am still waiting on the London to Dallas Route… lets talk Richard 🙂

So after some research I found that there are a few airlines out there that alot of people complain about and funnily enough they are all US Airlines , as I think the British are far more restrained when it comes to complaining.

  1. United Airlines
  2. US Airways
  3. Continental Airline
  4. American Eagle
  5. American Airlines
  6. Delta Airlines
  7. Jet Blue Airways
  8. Express Jet Airlines
  9. Altantic Southeast Airlines
  10. Sky-west Airlines

For all those that has travelled as regularly as I have,this was never the case once upon a time, since the economic downturn, we have seen flight prices increases and service standards decrease. As consumers we should demand the service that we are paying for.

With social media , now apart of our lives we shouldn’t feel ashamed to “name and shame” companies, as they seem to pay more attention to Twitter etc to find out what their customers think…. so don’t disappoint!

 I use Twitter all day everyday to complain …. and it works, so BRITAIN get with the program and don’t settle!

I personally think that cruising will be the way forward rather than flying 🙂 … #just saying 🙂

Until da Next Tyme!




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