Fashion Fads……

Good morning all,

Its amazing how many of us are a slave to fashion, be it the latest gadget, clothes or places to be seen!

We are all in some way led by what other people think we should have, or what we should wear or even how we should look!

I myself will hold up my hands that I am a technology junkie and will go out of my way to source and own the latest gadget if it makes my daily life easier… that a bad thing??? Well yes maybe if you consider what the average cost of most gadgets are nowadays….

However I fail to understand how having a pair of oversized headphones on your head….sometimes bigger than your head, can be considered fashion….

Maybe its just me, but I don’t get it!

However “Beats by Dre“ are the lastest fashion accessory like the Iphone or Ipad, and even though we are in an economy crisis, its amazing the amount I see on a daily basis, during my daily commute.

Be that as it may, they are extremely popular and fashionable in society’s eyes.

Until da next Tyme!

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

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