Improv, it’s not just for actors or comedians.  We all improvise in some way or another, every day.  It happens especially in those moments when we have to respond instantly, we just go with our intuition and improvise. So, be less busy in your head,...

When someone's being negative towards you, understand: 1. The negativity is not yours, so choose not to take it. 2. If you react, you feed the negativity, so act, not react. 3. There's a lesson here, about yourself, so learn it. Then determine if &...

Like footprints in the sand, imprints in the mind also get left behind.  For a calm sleep & a fresh start the next day, take a few minutes at the end of the day to clear the footprints in your mind.  Just as footprints in...

Think about when you are travelling or living abroad; you're thrown into a new culture, new environment, new everything.  The one skill that enables you to make the most of where you are, is your ability to adapt. Now apply the same skill of adaptability...

When you're angry, can you focus and be creative?  Research suggests that anger may not create extra focus but it may have an immediate enhancing effect on our creativity. But I know, when I'm angry, I'm focused on one thing only, the source of my...

Do you over do everything? Over think, over speak, over shop, over schedule? Live in an ‘over way’ and you'll just over complicate things and get overwhelmed. How about, getting better at doing your best (not over, not under)!   Until da next Tyme ...

Are your priorities in harmony with the priorities of others, at home and at work? What's urgent and important for one person is not for another.  We all have different priorities.  For less frustration and more harmony:    - communicate your priorities to others, at...

We look in the mirror every day, but the question is do you like what you see?  Skin's not perfect enough, teeth not white enough, hair not glossy enough….  Now go & look in the mirror, & say to yourself, ‘I am enough.’  Let go...

Who doesn't enjoy being right?  But if we didn’t need to be right in every discussion, we might just see things differently and learn from other perspectives. We might also understand that 'right' is a matter of perspective. If you can’t give up your right...

Did you know that in Latin, respire means to breathe again, and inspire means to breathe into?  Next time you lose your inspiration, all you need to do is add a bit of Latin into your breathing, and respire to inspire.  Breathe inspiration into yourself,...