When everything around you is changing, often the best thing to do is to stop struggling.  Just as you would search for stability on shifting sands, relax and find your inner stability.   Gain your equilibrium and balance and then you can respond to change...

We've all had those moments, when our conscience 'bites'.  There's a sense that we've gone against our 'truth' and done something wrong.  The next time your conscience 'bites': 1) stop making yourself feel guilty 2) listen to your conscience 3) let it nudge you to...

You've heard the question, "If your life was a movie, who would play you?"  And at some point you've probably wished your life was just like a movie, full of adventure and magic. Here's another question: if your life was a movie, would it be...

  Do not constantly check your pockets in places that are well known for pick pocketing. By checking your pockets to make sure your valuable are there, it allows pick pocketers to know where you keep your valuable. Many pocketers now put up signs warning you of...

There's been books, movies, talks - about people who started saying yes to everything.  Would you ever challenge yourself to say yes to everything that comes your way? Say yes to everything and you may take yourself out of your comfort zone and make unexpected...

Often, we gravitate towards people who are similar to us.  This makes things more comfortable and easier.  But more often than not, we're around people who are very different from us, almost opposite to us.  This makes things more interesting and vibrant. Today, appreciate the...

When you receive feedback or a piece of advice that seems out of place, unwanted or really unnecessary - what's your reaction?  Get annoyed?  Ignore it?  Think, "Why am I being told this?” How about, accepting it and, if it feels right, say “Thank you.”...

It's ok to second guess yourself sometimes.  But if you're second guessing yourself all the time, going round in circles, doubting yourself and your decisions - it's only going to over-complicate things. So stop second-guessing yourself, and start trusting yourself.  Trust yourself to make good...

Do you give away compliments mindlessly? Give compliments mindfully, when there's something meaningful to appreciate and you’ll make the compliment more sincere, more valuable. So give compliments thoughtfully and it may boost someone’s day. Just as it’s important not to underestimate the power of a...

  Do your research when doing currency exchanges! Check daily and don’t be afraid to ask for advice from other fellow travellers. A couple pence  off might not seem like much, but they do add up especially when travelling from other countries. Also, don’t exchange so much at...