Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

good morning, When things go wrong or not as planned, think 'maybe'! Maybe it's not meant to happen now.  Maybe there's something better to come.  Maybe there's a benefit or something to learn here.  Maybe I could have done things differently. Think...

Good morning, After a negative interaction, traces of emotions and impressions get left over.  These shape our future expressions!  That's why it's important to wipe the slate clean. This doesn't mean erasing things completely, no, it means transforming negative into positive.  Here's how...

Good morning, When we provide regular support and assistance to others, they come to rely on us and become dependent.  Dependency can be unhealthy, for us and for them. What if we were to make others less dependent on us, rather than more? ...

Good morning, Do you frequently get disappointed?  Did you know that disappointment has nothing to do with other people or situations?  Disappointment is our emotional response to an expectation that we created. So the next time you feel disappointed, check to see if...