Dear all, Look out for a new podcast Rockford Files, where I will be doing a travel segment to answer all your queries, from when and where  to travel, to how you can get upgraded ? check out the link below...

Good morning, Are you aware of how influential you are?  Realise the influence you have on everyone you come into contact with, and then check whether it's positive or negative. Recognise how you influence.  Not just your words and actions but also your...

Good morning, When we rewind and replay our memories, not only are we reliving the past but we're also triggering all the associated feelings.  If they're bad memories, not only are we retaining the negativity but we're also causing ourselves unnecessary pain.  So be...

Good morning , When a ship is caught in a storm, the captain navigates the ship towards the eye of the storm, a place of calm.  As the storm subsides, the ship continues on its journey. Similarly, when everything around us is changing,...

Good morning , Making a complaint doesn't always have to be negative, it's good to express your opinions & suggestions.  But if you're not gaining anything positive by complaining, then you might want to 1) reduce the whining & grumbling; or 2) turn your...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #11 Know the facts but don't solely rely upon them - people make decisions for emotional reasons just as much as rational ones    Connect your ideas  to their priorities and they will make the decisions  for their reasons not...

Good Morning, If your life was like a book, how does the story read?  Will there be unexpected plot twists?  Or will you copy & paste the first chapters of your life to fill the empty pages ahead? Does each page make you...

Good morning all, Integrity means to integrate all the facets of your personality into one consistent, reliable, transparent self. You're the same inside and out; nothing to hide, no masks to wear.  You're honest with yourself, say what you mean and respond to...

Good morning When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best.  Genuinely feel that there's "no problem!"  Tap into your inner stability, stay strong and be unflappable.  Then you'll...