Good morning all, Integrity means to integrate all the facets of your personality into one consistent, reliable, transparent self. You're the same inside and out; nothing to hide, no masks to wear.  You're honest with yourself, say what you mean and respond to...

Good morning When challenging situations come, think: whatever happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is to happen will be the best.  Genuinely feel that there's "no problem!"  Tap into your inner stability, stay strong and be unflappable.  Then you'll...

Good morning We read and hear so many wise words.  Words touch & inspire us.  But soon, the inspiration wanes & fades. Try this at the start of the day: choose one inspiration & work on it.  Contemplate on the words & then...

Good morning all Most of us enjoy listening to gossip; it seems harmless and unavoidable, but is it?  Listening to gossip actually encourages more gossip.  The information doesn't contribute to your well being. So, if you don't want to listen to gossip, walk...

Good morning all, Your mood affects others.  It's as contagious as having a cough, cold or flu! The next time you're in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood is impacting those around you.  And then take a moment to change your mood...

Good morning all, So its 2013 and for all those that made the resolution to lose weight in 2013, let me give you a helping hand :) Use these simple ideas to reach your goals once and for all! Always See Your Goals Goals need attention....

Good morning all, When we get stuck in attitudes & habits, we confine ourselves to living within the 'box'. 'Boxes' can be useful.  They can ground our ideas & imagination.  But when the 'box' becomes rigid & out-dated; that's when fear stays in & creativity...

Good morning all, Do you have the habit of arguing over the small stuff? Challenge your communication habits.  Does every disagreement need to be an argument? Small details can often divert attention from the larger and deeper issues.  So, focus on what's...

Good morning all,  Being vague can save time but when communication lacks clear information, it may lead to mistakes or vague results. Being vague with certain people can limit their interference in our life.  But they may take advantage of unclear expectations and...