Many things in life are like baking. Baking cakes, pies, biscuits, bread...
We've all had days when we’ve said things in the heat of the moment that we regret later. But once words escape our mouth, we can't rewind or take back what we've said. Next time you're heating up and you find yourself speaking too much,...
Ever forget names, can't remember where you put your keys or whether you locked the door properly...
How do you know if you have used your time well each day? Lots of ticks on your to do list? Enjoyed the day? Interactions were good? Made time for things that matter? Feel a sense of satisfaction? How do you measure time well...
When was the last time you did something for you? Bought yourself flowers? Cooked your favourite meal for yourself? Treated yourself to a day out? If you haven't done something nice for yourself recently, be good to yourself and do something today! Until...
Peace is a popular meditation destination. On the journey to the destination of peace, you may encounter some distractions. Think of the distractions as all the traffic on the road. When you're driving, you can't empty the roads just because you want to get to...
Ever thought about the connection between food & a good night's sleep? What you eat, how much & when you eat, affects your sleep. This week, experiment with your evening meals & snacks. Discover the foods that help you sleep better. You may want...
When you are misunderstood, it can all be too consuming & hurtful, especially if the other person negatively comments on what you said or didn't say, did or didn't do. To avoid not being consumed or hurt by it all, understand that 1)...
Is your to-do list overloaded? Unload your to-do list and make it more manageable with the 3 Ds! 1. Drop. If it doesn't need to be done, delete it from your list. 2. Defer. If it doesn't need to be done today, postpone it...
Did you know that saying “I don't know” when you don't know something, actually makes you look confident, not incompetent? Saying “I don't know” gives you the chance to know more and learn something new. But do you say “I don’t know” by default? Out...