Strong relationships & close connections are essential to our happiness, wellbeing & resilience. That's why it's important to stay in touch with people who matter to us. Drop a line, send a note or meet up. Keep others in mind & make the extra...
Life often feels like a jungle! Hazardous and arduous; threatening & unpredictable! Well, the next time life feels like a jungle, go on a safari! Anticipate. Look around carefully. Enjoy the unpredictable. Savour the mundane. Marvel. And feel exhilarated. Change how you...
Do you have sweet tooth ? Let me share this slice of heaven with you all...
We benefit from enjoying the company of the people around us. Not only do we learn other people's life lessons but we also learn to improve our ability to communicate, tolerate and collaborate. But we don't always get to choose the company we keep. ...
Do you get butterflies when you have to speak in front of a crowd? What exactly scares you? What's the worst that can happen? Talk through your fears and reduce your nervousness. If not, then simply accept the fear. Breathe and release any nervous...
Trust life. Being trusting doesn't mean not being careful. Be careful and be sensible. Just trust life a little bit more. Trust that life presents situations for you to grow and develop. Trust that life knows your potential for greatness. Trust that life wants...
Jamaicans are very entertaining and with every encounter that I have I always walk away with a smile. I experience the story below, but couldn't have written it as well as this, so I discovered this whilst searching the internet...
How do you cope with the noise that surrounds you? The traffic, people talking, dogs barking, birds chirping...