Hello people! So I am living the dream that most people wish they could...
We all have dreams. And to make our dreams a reality, we plot and plan. Yet often we're encouraged to make a Plan B or even a Plan C, in case things don't work out. It's smart and sensible, right? But when we're plotting...
Memories pop into our minds out of nowhere, bringing with them buried feelings. If it's a happy memory, it gives us a boost. If it's not, it triggers the associated negativity, causing heaviness in our minds. Reframe the negative memories & free the mind....
Sometimes fear can help us weigh up risks and caution us to be careful. So listen to those little tugs of fear. Check whether the fear is rational or irrational. Accordingly decide whether you need to: a) honour your fear and step back from...
When it all gets too much, take 10 minutes to escape it all. Let your mind escape to a desired state of being or a desired destination. If its serenity, joy, power, whatever you want to be, then focus on it and let the...
Not everything on the to-do list is enjoyable or likeable but it still needs to be done. To get it done, try one of the following: 1) List the positives of why you should do it. 2) Focus on how it contributes to the...
Nothing really happens by over-thinking the stresses & worries in life. That's why it's important to let go. Let go of the things that are out of your hands. Put your worries down. Drop the stress. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. And lighten...
Most of us are pretty good at postpoing things. How about postponing positively! Whenever a negative thought or habit appears, postpone it. Do it tomorrow. So if you're stuck in traffic, postpone your anxiety & anger. Whenever a positive thought or habit appears,...
Can you keep other people's secrets? Or do you find yourself bursting to tell someone something you've just heard? Of course there are times when we have to share the right information with the right person. But as much as possible, use your willpower...
When we go to work feeling ill, we're probably infectious and unproductive. But if we stayed home every time we're ill, we'd be taking too many days off work. And if things are too busy at work then staying home isn't always an option. ...