Its Olympic Day !!!!!!

Good morning London Town,

YES the day has finally arrived…. its OLYMPIC DAY!!

Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTa XxddM7BW15QCOTKBug5t5I8mpRwgz8KwPbUqKRyc3DF5nTMJw, Missy E

All eyes of the world is on London today.

Seven years ago on July 6, London received the news that they would be hosting the 2012 Olympics, this news was marred by the next day which is a day that most Londoners will never forget July 7th ….the London bombing, Just like Sept is etched in our memories so will July 7th.

The thing about Londoners is that they never forget , but they just get on with it…. so after years of prepapartion and alot of hiccups along the way, it seems that it is all about to be paid off.

I myself have been very vocal that I dont think London is ready to host an Olympic game, however this is once in a lifetime, and if every country in the world can get a chance to host the greatest show on earth, then why not London???

So hopefully I will be watching the opening ceremony as I travel this evening …. Go Team GB and Team JA!!!

Until da next tyme!

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