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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Often when something is hanging around in your head, it tends to take up space and rent for free. But the space in your head is valuable. So, if it’s difficult people or difficult situations that's taking up too much space, ask it to either...

When life calls, do you answer, or do you ignore it?  When life calls, are you ready?  To be ready: 1) Keep your mind free, present and available. 2) Believe that you are courageous. Then when life calls, you'll be ready for anything, ready to call up your...

Often it’s the little things that make others feel cared for.  It can be something as simple as asking how things are going, cooking a meal for someone, responding with warmth and friendliness...

When we put our work out there, we have no control over how people will judge or react to it. This vulnerability can be scary and stressful. If we were to 1) feel more comfortable being vulnerable and 2) let go of what people think, then...

When it comes to goals, dreams and opportunities, peace, love and happiness...

When things go down, rise up from the ashes, like a phoenix. Here’s how: - Pick yourself up and dust yourself down - Learn from what went down and let go of what happened - Regain your enthusiasm and confidence in yourself - Renew yourself and keep trying or start...

How often do you find yourself complaining about the people you work with?  Complaining does nothing positive to the mood or relationships at work. Instead of complaining about the people you work with, focus on the skills they bring to the table, and recognise their working...

There's a lot of talk about climate change and, yes, we can all do our bit. But here's something you may also want to do: change the climate within your inner world. 1. Purify your attitude towards others and keep the air clean between you and...