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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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If you want to start your day feeling full of energy, try this energising morning meditation.  Remove your mind from everything and imagine that you’re sitting under the warm sun.  Let the heat dissolve all the tension in your body, from the top of your...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

All the different roles we play in our lives, partner, parent, child, friend, employee, colleague...

Are you always in a hurry? Always somewhere to be, something to do. If you’re always in a hurry, you're just conveying a sense of urgency and pressure. But, not everything is urgent, so take the pressure off and don't hurry. Don’t hurry, be happy....

You’ve probably heard the saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes before judging them.  Next time someone's being difficult or you just can't understand them, leave your opinions and emotions aside for just a couple of minutes.  Then figuratively walk in their shoes,...