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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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As a lot in life depends on how you think, the next time you notice yourself thinking limiting, negative or out-of-date thoughts, try this, shake them off. Shake off the thoughts that don't work for you. If that doesn't work, then try to flip your...

Sometimes we need to change ourselves, and sometimes we need to change the way we do things.  And sometimes things change us.  A change can change everything!  So, change what you need to change, but just be compassionate with yourself.  Be realistic about what is...

Often we have to do tasks we don’t really want to do.   So the question is what to do?  Use our willpower to force our way through them?  Find someone else to do them?   Next time you have to do a task you...

Notice how “thank you” pops out of our mouths so easily.  As kids we learn to say thank you and recognise that to do so is good manners.  But if we’re not careful it becomes habitual, robotic.   Be more mindful of why you say...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...

Duis vehicula ornare diam vitae dapibus. Pellentesque at sodales diam. Praesent eu elit ac nisi elementum scelerisque. Aliquam quis metus lorem. Proin convallis fringilla mattis. Vestibulum tincidunt...