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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning all , Are you reacting or responding? Each day brings new situations.  The way we respond to those situations creates our attitudes, habits and our personality. Rather than react, give yourself a moment to understand the situation and develop a...

Hi all, With all my travels I still need to see these :) I have seeen some beautiful sunsets on previoust trips, but I have yet to enjoy the joy of these . Number one is the place I need to head to first :) Who wants to...

Good morning all, Would you like to do more for the world?  Actions make a difference.  But our thoughts also make a difference. When you meditate, take a few minutes to create positive, powerful thoughts for the world. Take a bird's eye view of...

Good morning, Do you put all your eggs in one basket?  Often, it feels as if that's the only option we have.  Putting time & energy into one thing can lead to focus, commitment & success.  But most often it's wiser not to let...

Good morning all Most of us enjoy listening to gossip; it seems harmless and unavoidable, but is it?  Listening to gossip actually encourages more gossip.  The information doesn't contribute to your well being. So, if you don't want to listen to gossip, walk...

Good morning, Creativity often gets buried under routine, responsibility and simple neglect.  So the next time you're in a creative rut, do something to find your spark again. Make time to delve into art.  Visit a gallery, a studio, a museum; or look...

Hey all, With all the travelling that I have accomplished, there are still some beautiful landscapes and scenery that I  have yet to see. Below are 10 places that I would love to see of which I have accomplished 1 from that list :) - I had the pleasure of visiting the Giant...

Good morning, Avoiding something?  Cleaning the bird dropping off your windscreen?  Sending a quick reply to that e-mail in your inbox?  Often it takes more time to avoid doing things, than it does to actually do it. If you're going to avoid something,...

Good morning , Make time to write a reflective journal. Write about your day, your experiences, what you've learnt, what could be improved.  Write a sentence, a paragraph, or pages.  Don't worry about grammar or editing your words.  Simply write. Allow your...