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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning, Do you have the habit of interrupting others when they talk? Is it because you're in a hurry to get through the conversation?  Maybe you're just too enthusiastic or have had too much caffeine? Do you want to interrupt the habit of...

Good morning , There are some days when you feel awful.  And there are some days that seem awful.  Moan, complain and 'stay awful', or turn awful into 'awe full'...

Good morning , How often does 'I' and 'my' appear in our vocabulary!  Often 'I' and 'my' convey a sense of ego, self-interest and possession. How about shifting from 'I' to 'we'!  This allows us to go beyond our little world.  Try that,...

Good morning, Even though we may not remember everything, we can still boost our ability to remember things more easily.  How? Make lists and keep life organised rather than trying to keep everything in your head. Be more aware of what's going on...

Good morning, Often when we react, it's as if we grab 'a tiny scrap of life' and fill it with our own meaning.  The meaning we project is usually based on our past experiences, and it may not still apply.  We then miss the...

Good morning, For a restful sleep, have five minutes for meditation at the end of the day.  Unwind and relax with the following visualisation: Imagine standing under a waterfall.  Feel the cool water cascade over you, flowing from the top of your head,...

Good Morning, It's important to make thoughtful decisions.  So make time to think clearly, to think through all the avenues and view all the alternatives. But it's also important not to take too long and think too much.  Maybe set a time limit...

Good morning , Hey, you respect!  Do you want people to respect you?  If you want respect, respect yourself first.  How do you expect others to respect you, if you don't respect yourself? Acknowledge your value, your talents & all the goodness that...

Good morning , Ever noticed how wildflowers stretch above the crowd, towards the light?  The unexpected reward for this natural process for the wildflower is a broader view of its surroundings! How far are you prepared to stretch yourself in order to 'grow'...