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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning all, When things seem complex and complicated, you always have the choice to simplify things. Clear away any associated memories and unnecessary attitudes that may be colouring your perception. Make your perception simple and: - see clearly through the complications...

Hey Everyone, Do you find yourself apologising, a little too often?  Over-apologising can reflect a lack of self confidence and, as a result, lower your impact and influence. Cut down on unnecessary apologies.  Express yourself assertively and politely, without devaluing yourself. Apologising...

Good morning all, Its amazing how many of us are a slave to fashion, be it the latest gadget, clothes or places to be seen! We are all in some way led by what other people think we should have, or what...

Hi all, When listening to other people's stories, it's so easy to be drawn into their emotions, especially if they're someone close. We join them in their emotional state and feel the same emotions, because we care - but is this helpful? ...

Hey there all, I LOVE RICHARD BRANSON !!!   Finally Richard is taking the UK to the next level and do something that the US has been doing for years...

Good morning all, Now most of you think I am a Diva and yes...

Good morning all, Happy Monday ! Perfectionism at its best leads to excellence and great results.  But too much perfectionism is not so perfect!  It often leads to stress and lower productivity.  So know when good enough, really is good enough...

Hey! What's good people!!! Often, we offer suggestions to other people on how things should happen, how we would do it, or what we think works best. If they don't follow our suggestions we may feel hurt and react, because we're...

Good morning people, Happy Tuesday!!! Excuses are self imposed limitations.  Excuses are the masks that cover up our fears. So, the next time you catch yourself making excuses, why you can't or won't do something - stop! Stop Finding Excuses And...