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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good afternoon all, Do you love what you do?  Are you doing what you love?  Or are you coasting on what's easy and familiar?  To do what you love, reconnect to your purpose.  Purpose is invariably connected to giving.  Take time...

Good Morning all, This past weekend I  ventured to Germany to catch up with my girl, as I haven't seen her in a long time. :) Having been warned that the weather was quite severe, I wasn't prepared for the shock that my system experienced when I  arrived...

Good monring all, Happy Monday ! You're good at what you do & over time you've learnt a lot.  So you probably do know-a-lot. Now, share your know-how, don't let your know-how sit in your pocket. But remember, you don't...

Good morning all, Often we lose patience and we get angry for little things - I am one of those culprits, but take note of todays thought and put it into practice and you will see a big difference ...

Good afternoon all, Happy Tuesday ! As we travel towards our destination, it's so easy to get distracted. Sometimes we become so busy thinking about little things, that we lose focus and stop moving forward. So, when distracting situations arise,...

Hey people , So with the start of the new year, everyone is trying to get into shape and as a result they fall off the wagon pretty quickly ...

Good morning all, I’d be willing to bet that most everyone has been told—and therefore believes—that people with diabetes cannot have any sugar and are resigned to living without dessert for the rest of their lives.  As a diabetic  I'm here to tell you...