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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Hey peeps, Last week I promised the men I would hook them up, judging from the repsonse I recieved and ideas, this list was formed ...

Hey peeps,If like me, you dread and fear the dentist chair, this maybe good news for you, I was reading the following article and thought it would be good to share .A futuristic "plasma jet" that eradicates tooth decay without fillings could be replacing the hated...

Hey peepsThings are generally a lot easier to get into than out of. Most people, at some time in their lives find themselves in a relationship that is basically over. We hang on, because it is not quite uncomfortable enough to warrant the upheaval of...

Hey peeps ,As you all know I LOVE travelling. I know that many people would like to live the life of a celebrity - finance permitting, well I have discovered that if you are prepared to travel a bit and maybe splurge for that little bit...

Hi Peeps,Whassup ? A friend send this to me and I wanted to share it with you all, as I found it very moving !2010 should be the year where we are take responsibilty for our actions  ans stop making excuses !Honesty with ourselves is a great...

So I am back in the UK and whilst nursing a headache I decided to catch up on my tv viewing last night  as for the last 4 weeks, I have been surviving without Sky...