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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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When you want to change a habit, you may want to focus on who you want to become rather than what you want to change. For example, rather than focusing on eating healthy, focus on becoming a healthier person. Focus on the person you want to...

When someone's talking to you, can you hear what the other person is saying over the noise in your head? Listen from a place of noise and it can lead to misunderstandings. Next time someone's talking to you, go behind the noise in your head and...

When you feel overwhelmed, or when things feel insurmountable, just get one thing done that day. Just doing one thing and taking a small step forward can shift things and make a difference.   Until da next Tyme...

During meditation, most people find that their attention wanders off. This can happen a lot. It's part of the process. So, when your attention wanders, instead of getting frustrated, acknowledge it and then bring your attention back to the meditation. Even if you have to do...

Just when you think you’ve got the packing list down, you decide to take on a new kind of holiday. You may need a lot of the same things wherever you’re off to, but if you’re planning to hit the slopes you’ll need a few...

If you are in the Medway area, specifically Chatham, you must visit this hidden spot. I visited on the weekend for their local carnival and was amazed to discover a small oasis with a waterfall and a super chilled area with palm trees etc. The service was...

Get caught up in the daily grind, and life can easily slip into ‘just life’. But life is more than ‘just life,’ isn’t it? , fall in love with your life. 1. Infuse your life with purpose and meaning, and make things meaningful. 2. Recognise the love...

Are you easily impressed by people? Get impressed and you're likely to be influenced by them. This isn't necessarily negative, but in the process, you may lose the clarity to discern what’s right and wrong for you. Instead of getting impressed, get inspired by people. Because...

Virtues are the good qualities within each one of us; they’re our personal resources: contentment, determination, generosity, humility, serenity, tolerance….   Spend time with your virtues and get reacquainted. How? Meditate on a virtue.   1. Choose a virtue that interests you or would help you best...