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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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The next time you find yourself wrapped up in negative thoughts, quickly, swipe away negative thoughts. Swipe left and then, move onto the next thought, or create new positive thoughts. Think positive thoughts and nourish positivity.   Until da next tyme...

Are you able to trust that right here, right now, you are exactly where you need to be? Trust that you are on the right path. Trust the journey you are on even when you don't understand it. Trust that you are moving forward and growing...

Is your self-worth determined by how productive you’ve been? You are not your productivity. So detangle your self-worth from your productivity. And at the end of your day, acknowledge that you are enough, whether you've been productive or not.   Until da next Tyme...

Packing for your next adventure is never easy. Hours are spent deciding on which clothes to bring before you arrive at the airport and realise that you’ve left something vitally important behind - like your passport. This essential packing list will help you get organised, whether...

If you are heading to see the attractions at the London Eye, and looking for a quick bite, then use this as a last resort for fuel. The location is perfect however the food is just basic, not the hearty Italian one would  expect [gallery ids="5731,5730,5729"] I had...

Just like a tea bag colours the water with flavour and fragrance when infused in hot water, in the same way, the next time you're in 'hot water,' be like a tea bag and infuse your world with positivity, and allow the situation to bring...

Your actions are the pen with which you write your destiny. Simply put, what goes around comes around.   Understand the process and reclaim your power to create what you want. The pen is in your hands!   Until da next Tyme...

Are you in the loop? Information is power, so we want to stay in the loop. It gives us a feeling of inclusion and belonging, and it also increases our effectiveness and opportunities. Improve the flow of communication and get the information you need. Stay in...