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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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When you are stressed, check: Are your thoughts creating the stress? How long have you been thinking like this? What would happen if you were to think differently? Think about your thinking. Think differently and you'll take control of your stress, and respond to the stress...

Did you know that surrender is not necessarily about giving up or giving in? It is about taking the decision to stop fighting ourselves, others and life. And when we surrender our ego and our need to control, we release tension and restore peace. Today, find...

Keep your mind idle and it’s likely to wander into unnecessary thoughts. To stop your mind from thinking unnecessarily, keep your mind active with the right thoughts. Just like a 'to-do list', create a 'to-think list' and keep a schedule for your mind.   Until da next tyme...

When an obstacle comes your way, are you able to meet it with gratitude? Even though it may be challenging, try it. Meet obstacles with gratitude and you’ll find that it allows you to strengthen your purpose, confidence, and character, and enhance your compassion, learning,...

Happy New Year everyone It's a new year ...

Do you end up making last-minute New Year’s resolutions? Last-minute resolutions are often not realistic or meaningful. To make the right resolutions: 1. Give it some thought beforehand. Think about what's meaningful to you and what you really want. 2. Be realistic about what's possible and set resolutions...

Do you often make decisions and behave in ways you think will please others? Well, it's impossible to please all of the people all of the time. So, if you are being a people pleaser, you are most likely undermining your needs and happiness. To stop...

We need both, solitude and social time. Have you found the balance between the two? Or do you lean towards one more than the other? Carve out time for yourself and others, and get better at enjoying your own company as well as the company...

You're not likely to always get your way - because your way isn't the only way. So, become less set in your ways, and realise that other people’s ways are just as valid, maybe even better and smarter than your way. Next time, you don't get...