When your alarm goes off, do you hit the snooze button? As you know, you snooze, you lose! Keep hitting snooze and you're just postponing what you’re avoiding; getting out of bed. Here are a few suggestions to help you avoid hitting the snooze button: - Be realistic...
We all have a variety of abilities and we all also have a unique talent; something that is more than a skill. Today, 1) identify that unique talent and 2) ensure that you express your talent at least once a week. Express your unique talent, and it will fuel...
We can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails. This may sound a little old school, but it's a useful reminder that even if we can't control what happens around us, we can control how we respond to what happens. And as the wind...
What do you do after you've had a meditative moment? Do you rush into the next moment? Instead of rushing off, take a moment to capture how you're feeling and integrate that meditative feeling into your attitude. Then, slowly move from meditation to action. Until da next Tyme...
You're not likely to always get your way because your way isn't the only way. Become less set in your ways and realise that other people’s ways are just as valid, maybe even better and smarter than your way. And the next time you don't get your...
We are limitless. We can be and do anything we want. So, if you're limiting yourself, maybe it’s time to limit less. Explore new possibilities, expand your horizons and be limitless. But, we have limited resources. So, know when to set necessary and nurturing limits for yourself. Just imagine what...
We've learnt, experienced and accomplished so much in our life. Yet sometimes we forget. Like buried treasure, it’s still all there, hidden away inside our memory bank. Reach into your treasure chest of memories, recapture lost enthusiasm and redirect your energy to create more treasured moments. Until da next Tyme...
Reading inspiring thoughts and ideas isn't enough if we don't let our mind digest everything it has taken in. Just like cows, chew on the inspiring thoughts and ideas. Chew, digest well and it will nourish you. What will you chew on today? Until da next Tyme...