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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Books enlighten and entertain. So, what kind of a reader are you? Are you more of bedtime, a commuter, or a holiday reader?  Are you a finisher or an abandoner?  Do you stick to classics, bestsellers, certain genres? Now that we're heading towards the 'ber' months,...

If you want things to change, you have to change something.  If you change nothing, nothing changes. Recognise a) what you want to change, b) what you can’t change and c) what you can change. Then make the change happen, not with force, but with love. Force...

You’re smart, wise and know-a-lot, so don’t let your know-how sit in your pocket, share what you know. But know when to keep your know-how to yourself and let others share their knowledge. Then, you’re not only showing respect to them and empowering them but...

What is Autism ? Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders, characterised by difficulties in; Communication. Social interactions. Restricted or stereotyped behaviours and interests.1 Autism is a spectrum disorder and, as the name suggests, the symptoms and severity of symptoms can vary hugely between those diagnosed with Autism. ASD...

Art is a stimulus.  Whether its paintings, sculptures, photographs, it inspires, invigorates, calms, challenges you.  And when we view art, it not only touches something in us, it allows us to connect with something within us. So, take yourself to a gallery or a museum...

Visualisation is an effective success strategy used by many. Use visualisation to make your success happen.  Firstly, like Pinterest, make a vision board in your mind; create a vision of who you want to be and what you want in life.  Then, envision yourself succeeding. Visualisation...

Life often feels like a jigsaw puzzle. We try to build it piece by piece but all the pieces of our life don't always come together. And when we can't seem to find the missing piece, we get frustrated and lose our peace. Well, instead of...

What do you do after you've had a meditative moment? Do you rush into the next moment? Instead of rushing off, take a moment to capture how you're feeling. Then as you make a slow transition from meditation to action, integrate that meditative feeling into...