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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Often we feel quite helpless because we can't do anything to help a situation or help someone. Next time you're feeling helpless, remind yourself that ‘we can always do something’. If not through actions, if not through words, we can always help through our thoughts. Believe...

Do you choose what’s more convenient, more comfortable for you? Even if it compromises your values and integrity? Or do you let your values drive your choices? Even if it makes life less convenient, less comfortable? The choices we make, define who we are, shape our...

A relaxed, refreshed, calm, clear mind! We would all love to keep a holiday state of mind for as long as possible. To make this possible, at least once a week try: - incorporating some of your holiday habits into your life. Be experimental with your...

How often do you postpone your meal time just to finish that one last thing? Even though there’s always something or the other waiting to be finished, postponing your meal times doesn't do your body and mind any good. Stop postponing. Avoid letting anything eat into...

Are you a good friend to everyone but you? Do you say things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend? Good friends are honest but they are also kind. So, be more kind in what you say to yourself and be more forgiving...

We've all heard the age-old advice: “Never go to bed angry.” Even research suggests that going to bed angry, reinforces the negativity, making it harder to shake off the emotions later. Do you follow this advice? Next time you get mad, why not, try this advice....

If you want things to change, you have to change something.  If you change nothing, nothing changes. Recognise a) what you want to change, b) what you can’t change c) what you can change. Then make the change happen, not with force, but with love. Force only holds for so...