Hi all, I am sharing secret #5 Think before you act . Its easy to get caught up in the wrong stuff. Thinking first means we do less but we do the right stuff. Have one to - do list for the whole week. Use it to focus on...

Hi All, I am sharing secret #4 Make sure each person knows how important they are to you (no need to tell them the others are important too ). Put your partner first. Ask how their day went  as soon as you see them. If...

Hi All, I am sharing Secret #3 Avoid blaming other people and circumstances. Taking responsibility is the first step to taking control. Focus on what you can do as opposed to what you cant. Picking apart a problem may feel therapeutic but it doesn't put you in the driving...

Hi All, I am sharing secret #2 Make some outrageous suggestions. This way the borderline ones will be easier to swallow Identify the spirit of the rules and use that as your guide. At least that's your excuse if you get found out :) Paint a positive picture...

Hi All, I am sharing secret #1  Catch peoples eye and acknowledge them individually, with a  smile , nod or even a wave. Take your time. the loud arrival may well irritate. Those who are remembered tend to make their presence known subtly but persistently....