A busy schedule and a long to-do list usually mean moving fast, rushing around, and trying to get everything done. But rushing creates a sense of anxiety and tension that may make others feel agitated and uncomfortable, which then limits their willingness to help you...

If a situation is causing you stress or anxiety, ask yourself, how much are you focusing on things that are outside your control? Recognise what’s outside your control in this situation and focus your energy on what is within your control. Every time you start focusing...

When times are tough, it's easy to feel a sense of lacking, isn't it? But the feeling of lacking creates unnecessary anxiety. Instead, consciously choose to feel abundant. Feeling abundant not only relieves your anxiety but also empowers you to be more resourceful and proactive...

There's so much baggage in our minds, it takes up space and weighs us down. Why not, unload and unpack your mind? Let go of all your stress, anxiety and all the unnecessary stuff, and let your mind breathe. Unload and unpack, and you'll lighten your...

When the pressure’s on, can you keep calm and carry on? If you find it difficult to calm your anxiety, try this: turn your anxious energy into excitement. Get excited, keep going and make things happen. When the pressure’s on, what works better for you, ‘Keep...

Drop by drop, the rain washes away all the dust, making everything clean and vibrant. Be like the rain and wash away all your dusty thoughts, the stress, the anxiety and the unnecessary. And you’ll be left with a clean and vibrant mind.   Until da next...

If you let it, fear & anxiety can overwhelm & stop you from living fully. If you want, you can harness the energy from the fear & anxiety & use it to overcome the fear & anxiety. Turn fear & anxiety into fuel, & let it...

Good morning all, When a conversation becomes heated, can you respond warmly?  When giving your opinion, can you express yourself without anxiety? Assertiveness is our ability to convey thoughts and feelings in ways that can be clearly heard; whilst maintaining our personal integrity,...