What do you do after you've had a meditative moment? Do you rush into the next moment? Instead of rushing off, take a moment to capture how you're feeling. Then as you make a slow transition from meditation to action, integrate that meditative feeling into...

Ideas can pop up anytime, anywhere.  Now, you don't expect yourself to remember everything, do you?  Capture the idea on paper or on your phone, and your mind is then free to expand on the idea. But not every idea is going to be good, so...

To enjoy the moment, you need to be fully engaged in it.  When you capture that moment on a camera or a phone, you inadvertently remove yourself from that moment and, as a result, you’re missing out on enjoying the moment itself.  So, the next...

Click!  When you're busy taking photos and videos, capturing life's moments, are you actually experiencing them? Live through your eyes or a screen, you can't do both!  Maybe we can all strike a better balance between clicking and living life's moments.   Until da next tyme ...