Everything comes to us in trust.  Become a trustee and a guardian of your world and the world around you. This includes people, pets, health, wealth, job, car, house, gadgets, as well as the world’s natural resources.  Then you'll not only worry less, stress less...

Your body is like a car, it takes you where you need to go. But unlike a car, you can’t replace it. So, to ensure everything runs smoothly and works properly: - Give the body regular fuel and maintenance - Pay attention to your body’s signals - Use...

Your body is like a car, it takes you where you need to go. But unlike a car, you can’t replace it. So, to ensure everything runs smoothly and works properly: - Give the body regular fuel and maintenance - Pay attention to your body’s signals - Use...

Just as a car needs fuel and maintenance to run smoothly and efficiently, our body needs the same. How well do you care for your body?  What's your maintenance routine?  Starting today, what ONE healthier choice will you make?   Until da next Tyme!...