We know that getting other people's insights when problem-solving can be truly valuable. But over-reliance on others for problem-solving can create a sense of dependency. How about, before asking others, try to problem-solve on your own first. Because the person who knows what’s best for you is you. And...

When you're at a crossroads in life, consider that you cannot unwind the path of the past, but you can definitely change direction now and choose the route you want to take. Also, check if you are choosing the path of convenience or the path that...

Do you remember what it was like to go from a bike with stabiliser wheels to one without? You can still do this every day, whether it’s a task you have never done before or facing an interpersonal issue; simply challenge yourself out of your...

When you feel inspired to do something but feel nervous about the new venture, do you have enough trust in your ability to go for it? And if others tell you not to go for it, do you let them talk you out of it...

Every now and then, we all have to eat a slice of humble pie, especially when facing criticism, admitting mistakes, asking for help...

When everything around you is changing, often the best thing to do is to stop struggling and embrace the change. Just as you would search for stability on shifting sands, relax and find your inner stability. And then you’ll find you can adapt to new and...

Do you give yourself the permission to get things wrong? Are you comfortable admitting when you are wrong? Would you rather do things right or do the right thing? This week, explore the differences between doing wrong, being wrong and doing right. It may lead to...

When an obstacle comes your way, are you able to meet it with gratitude? Even though it may be challenging, try it. Meet obstacles with gratitude and you’ll find that it allows you to strengthen your purpose, confidence, and character, and enhance your compassion, learning,...

It's in times like these that we have to dig deep and find hope. Find good things to look forward to and find the bright spots in your day, no matter how small they may seem. Dig deep and fill yourself with hope. Then the anxieties,...

Travel may be difficult, or even off-limits, for now - but that doesn't mean we can't make plans for the future. We hope that articles like this one will help you plan your next experience with confidence, whenever that may be. If you’ve felt yourself hitting...