How often does your mind wander off?  There are times when a wandering mind can be dangerous, but there are times when a wandering mind can be a good thing, it can foster creative thinking. Next time you notice that your mind has wandered off, decide...

Do you believe that you're not creative?  Well, we may not all be creative geniuses, and some of us may be more creative than others, but we all have the capacity and the potential to be creative. Even if you really believe, "I am not creative,"...

No matter how capable and creative, effective and extraordinary we may be, it's when we work together and collaborate that we can accomplish something altogether greater.  This is the spirit of collaboration. Collaborations do make things easier but do you find collaborations easy?  Maybe collaborations are...

Would you like to have your very own sacred space in your home? Well, you can. Find a place in your home, a corner of a room, & create a space for you. You can keep it minimal or fill it with things that inspire,...

Do affirmations work for you?  Affirmations may not make things happen but they might enhance how you feel.  Experiment and see if it works for you. Create positive affirmations about yourself or your situation.  I am...

We know.  And the more we know, the more we rely on what we know.  Imagine if you were to put aside what you know, just for a moment.  Potentially, it could spark creative insights, different perspectives...

When you're angry, can you focus and be creative?  Research suggests that anger may not create extra focus but it may have an immediate enhancing effect on our creativity. But I know, when I'm angry, I'm focused on one thing only, the source of my...

We are all creative beings.  Yet, fear has a way of getting in the way.  Are you going to let fear stop you?  Address your fear and find a way to move through it.  Ask yourself: What would I do if I had...

Good morning all, In your morning commute, take a minute or two to create a positive vision of yourself. Be creative, but as realistic as possible.  The more you explore positive visualisation, the more you will become it. Then, in your minds...