Are You Being Defensive? Being defensive all the time not only gets exhausting, but it's also not the best way to respond. Next time you feel yourself getting defensive, ask yourself, 1) what are you defending and 2) is this the best way to respond? If it's not, then 3)...

Are you mirroring people's behaviour, emotions or even their body language? From yawning to scratching, or even smiling or frowning, you may be mirroring those around you without even being aware of it. Mirroring others shows empathy and comfort but it can make things awkward and...

Is the experience of high levels of emotional stress having an effect on your sense of empathy? If you start to notice that you're feeling indifferent or experiencing compassion fatigue, then set aside time for extra self-care. Practise self-compassion and you'll recharge your empathy levels.   Until da...

During a busy commute, do you ever find yourself with less patience, less empathy? Today, think about small habits you can develop to become a kinder commuter. And challenge yourself to bring kindness to your commute. Extend politeness and friendliness, and you'll feel good and also...

When someone is angry or behaving badly, or when you're not understanding someone’s point of view or where they're coming from – a skill you can practice is empathy.  Practising empathy is a challenge because it requires us to: - step back from our busy...

Good afternoon all, Today's thought of the day is awesome, we all need to use it ;) When interacting with others, be REAL: Respect, Empathy, Accept, and Listen. Respect: notice the positives about others and recognise their intrinisic value. Empathy: understand...