Are you letting the events in your life define you? Life’s events may shape your experience but they don't have to define who you are. Remind yourself that you are not the events in your life and create a sense of detachment. This will empower you to a) be...

What are the internal barriers that are hindering your sense of empowerment? How can you overcome these barriers? Empowerment is a mindset. Take control of your internal dialogue; replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, and find ways to fuel your own sense of empowerment.   Until da next Tyme...

"I should exercise more."  "I should eat healthier."  "I should do more."  The word "should" isn't negative but the way we use it, has a negative tone. Think about replacing "should" with something that's more encouraging and empowering.  How about, "I would like to...