When work turns into a chore, we're not able to enjoy what we do. Why not make work joyful? Recognise the value of what you do and find something interesting even in the most ordinary and routine tasks. This generates enthusiasm. Enthusiasm makes work feel joyful....

Enthusiasm makes things happen. It makes the world go round. If your enthusiasm is flagging, try one of the following to spark your enthusiasm: - Do nothing to revive your energy - Whatever you do, do it with love - Appreciate everything around you - Spend time with people...

Whenever you find yourself struggling with the idea of ageing, remember this acronym for AGE: Acceptance. Grace. Enthusiasm. Acceptance - embrace your ever-changing body and the ageing process. Grace - navigate whatever comes your way with ease and grace. Enthusiasm - stay curious and bring positive energy to...

Enthusiasm makes things happen. It makes the world go round. So, are you brimming with enthusiasm? If you're not, then try one of the following to spark your enthusiasm: - have appreciation for everything around you - spend time with people who inspire you - do nothing to...

Are you doing things from a place of inspiration or desperation? If it’s less inspiration and more desperation, ask yourself why? Resolve whatever is creating that sense of desperation. Then, find motivation and enthusiasm, and turn desperation into inspiration. Do things from a place of inspiration,...

When things go down, rise up from the ashes, like a phoenix. Here’s how: - Pick yourself up and dust yourself down - Learn from what went down and let go of what happened - Regain your enthusiasm and confidence in yourself - Renew yourself and keep trying or start...

When you're doing things that feel mundane or things you don't feel like doing, ask yourself: What's the benefit of doing this? For example, when you're doing the cleaning, think of how you and others will enjoy being in a clean space. When you're exercising, think...

You know that sinking feeling you get when you realise you've lost all of your work?  All that hard work, all that time...

It’s natural to want support from the people around you, but sometimes there isn't the support you want. When this happens, it's disheartening, but try not to take it to heart or let it defuse your enthusiasm. Let it be an opportunity for you to...

Enthusiasm is a positive energy. Enthusiasm gets things done. Enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiasm is often underrated, so how would you rate your enthusiasm?  Are you always brimming with enthusiasm, or do you curb it?  Does it flow naturally or do you need to spark and nurture...