The 007 Experience by Hidden City in London is a thrilling adventure that brings the excitement of James Bond right to the heart of the city. This immersive experience combines the best elements of a treasure hunt, an escape room, and a spy thriller, making...

We are all different, yet the same. Notice the shared values, challenges, interests and goals, and find the common ground. Recognise the unique perspectives, characteristics, backgrounds and experiences, and appreciate what makes us different. Discover the differences and the similarities between us, and develop a deeper sense of humanity and connection. Until...

Do you work to earn? How about adding the letter 'L' in front of earn, and learn as you earn? No matter how skilled or confident you are in your work, there's always more to improve and learn. Every time you learn, you earn new skills,...

Every day we get a little bit older. Take a moment to reflect on your past experiences, achievements, and learnings. Take a moment to cherish the people in your life (past and present) and the memories you’ve created together. Reflect and cherish your life. That way,...

Can you be happy on a budget? It’s not about missing out on things and experiences, or reducing your happiness. But it is about making smarter choices and increasing your financial wellbeing. This week, 1) clarify your financial goals, what you value most and what brings you...

Pottery, puzzling, photography… The number of hobbies and interests we can engage in are unlimited. But if you’re limiting your interests because you have too many interests and don't have the time, pick one thing and explore it for a few months, and then move...

Who am I? It’s one of life's biggest questions. So would you define yourself by your work, your personality, your experiences, the roles you play...

How often are you comparing one moment to another? Comparing this year’s autumn colours to last year’s...

Life is like a buffet, with so many experiences to try. Sample a bit of everything from the buffet of life and you may be pleasantly surprised as well as expand your horizons. But if you take an ‘all you can eat buffet’ approach, you may...

Do you live your life drawing lines or crossing them? To preserve your wellbeing, values and self esteem, it helps to know your limits and draw the line between you and the world around you. But to expand your capacity, potential and experiences, it helps...