Think about your nearest and dearest and the way you react to them. Are you accepting of them, their flaws and quirks?   This festive season, give the gift of acceptance. Accept others as they are and give them the gift to be themselves. Accept this,...

Are you chasing the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect picture, the perfect life? Well, we live in a world of flaws, and life just isn’t perfect. Acknowledge life’s imperfections. And as one of the current ad campaign says, “Go With the Flaw.” Do this...

We're quick to apologise when we step on someone’s toe, or bump into someone, but what about when it really matters?  Maybe, we're not so quick because apologising when it matters, requires a dose of humility. Humility enhances our capacity to reflect on our flaws,...

For most of us, self acceptance isn't as easy as it could be!  If you feel that you're not good enough, realise: you are enough.  If you rate yourself against others, realise: there's no one else in the world quite like you. Believe in...