When you hear gossip about someone you know ,does it colour your perception or interaction with them? Well, you wouldn't want others to be coloured by the gossip they've heard about you, would you? Next time you hear some gossip about someone, put what you've heard aside...

When you hear gossip about someone you know, does what you know colour how you perceive or interact with that person?  Well, you wouldn't want others to be coloured by the gossip they've heard about you, would you? Next time you hear some gossip about someone,...

If you know something about someone, do you feel compelled to share that with someone else?  Even when it has no bearing on our own lives, we like to talk about other people to other people.  Even when we know it's not constructive or nice,...

Good morning all Most of us enjoy listening to gossip; it seems harmless and unavoidable, but is it?  Listening to gossip actually encourages more gossip.  The information doesn't contribute to your well being. So, if you don't want to listen to gossip, walk...

Good morning all, Today's thought of the day is applicable to all, its not just aimed at females only, as we all do it ...