Are you a drainer, a radiator or an energiser? A drainer complains, criticises, and takes and takes. A radiator brings presence, warmth and joy. An energiser encourages, appreciates and infuses positivity.   Now, no one wants to be a drainer but sometimes it happens. So, next...

Next time your mind feels unsettled, try this simple exercise: 1. Sit down and relax into the surface you're sitting on. 2. Focus on the breath and follow each inhale and each exhale 3. Do nothing, simply be and settle into the moment. Try this and you'll soon find...

Getting to sleep on long-haul flights can be tricky, whether you're on a cramped, cheap flight to Bangkok, or you figured out how to get an upgrade on that red-eye flight to Dubai. To help you on your way to the land of nod, here are some...