If you’re feeling a little tired and stressed after a busy weekend, this Monday morning, take a moment to: - Observe where your mind is - Release any stress and fatigue from the weekend - Let go of any pressure and anxieties about the week ahead - Feel relaxed...

When you put the rubbish out for collection, at the same time, put out the rubbish from your mind and heart. Throw out the wasteful thoughts and get rid of all the toxic emotions that have piled up. And, once you've put the rubbish out,...

Do you find that it's not just our mind that's always racing, but our body also continues to race, even when we sit down to take a break? So, the next time you sit down to take a break, scan your body to check how it...

There are always problems! View problems as problems, and you make the experience more difficult and stressful than it has to be. How about training your mind to reframe problems as possibilities? Reframe and you'll make problems less intimidating and turn problems into opportunities for growth...

Virtues are the good qualities within each one of us; they’re our personal resources: contentment, determination, generosity, humility, serenity, tolerance….   Spend time with your virtues and get reacquainted. How? Meditate on a virtue.   1. Choose a virtue that interests you or would help you best...

Whenever you get stuck in unwanted thoughts, think of your thoughts as birds. Thoughts are like birds fluttering around in your mind. You are not the birds. You are not your thoughts. So let go and let all your thoughts leave your mind and fly away....

The mind is so often restless, jumping from one thought to another, never sitting still for a moment. To calm your mind, every now and then, try holding a thought in your mind like you would hold something precious in the palm of your hand....

When you’re finding it difficult to let go of something, try the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono involves four steps: 1) I’m sorry. 2) Please forgive me. 3) Thank you. 4) I love you. Say these four phrases in your mind, from your heart, and repeat as many times as you...

Just as we wear a face mask to protect ourselves and others, in the same way, how about wearing a mind mask to protect our positivity? Create a bit of space and distance from any negativity that comes from others, the media, and even your own...

When your mind feels foggy and is in need of clarity, try this: 1) Observe your mind and invite your thoughts to slow down. 2) Begin to clean your mind until it is crystal clear. 3) Breathe clear energy into your mind and bring some clarity into your...