Freedom is a human right. It's the right to do what you want, the right to freely express your ideas and opinions…. But freedom is also a state of mind.  It's the right to be free from attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that hold you back. Find...

Memories shape our perceptions. They also trigger associated emotions, as well as impacting our present experience in ways we don't always realise. So, the next time a negative memory pops up, try and change your perception. Make it healthy and constructive, and it may bring closure...

Do you have strong opinions on just about everything?  Or do you sway from one opinion to another, depending on your mood?  If we hold on tightly to our opinions, we narrow our perceptions and perspectives. Have the confidence to know when to: -...

Good morning all, Sometimes our perceptions can be like a stuck record. If they're not positive we end up losing out. If you notice yourself having a negative perception about someone or something, just say to yourself: "Although it's not my preference, I...