Do you check in with your online self, more than your real self? How about, checking in with yourself before you check in with everything else. Check in and touch base with yourself: How am I feeling? Am I pushing myself too hard? Am I happy?...

Replacing a bad habit with a positive, healthier one might be more effective than stopping the bad habit suddenly and completely. And when you're building the new habit, regularly a) practise it, b) remind yourself of the benefits of the new habit, and c) track your progress   Until da next...

Can you think of yesterday without regret? Whenever you find yourself thinking about the past with regret, stop and start thinking about what you can a) learn from it, b) learn about yourself, and c) do now to make things right. Can you think of tomorrow without fear? Whenever...

Do you believe practice makes perfect? How about striving for practice makes progress? Choose progress over perfection, and you can a) let go of the pressure to be perfect, b) give yourself room to stumble and make mistakes, and c) make small progress each day. This allows you to focus...

No matter what goals you’re working towards, regularly check in with yourself to make sure you’re on track. Clarify 1) what exactly you're tracking, 2) how you'll keep track of your progress; journal, notebook, calendar, app, and 3) how often you’ll track your progress; daily, weekly or monthly. Track your...

It's only a few months into 2017, but why not track your progress so far this year and recognise how far you have come?  Think of the challenges you have overcome and recognise a) the strengths you displayed and b) the lessons you learned or...

Do you check in with your online self, more than your real self? Check in and touch base with yourself: How am I feeling? Am I pushing myself too hard? Am I happy? How do I feel about where I’m at? Am I making progress? So, check...

If you would like to say goodbye to some of your habits, here are a few tips: - Pick one habit to work on and recognise its negative effects. - Remind yourself, I can be free of it because I am not my habit. -...