Grow up!  Well, what does being a grown-up mean to you?  Emotional maturity, wisdom, being responsible for your actions, following through on your commitments...

When we're working in a team, it's easy to put all the responsibility on the team leader.  But we're all responsible! If we all take responsibility for not just the task, but also for working better together and creating a positive team environment, we'd have...

When you're upset with someone, you give up your peace of mind. Don't stay upset.  Free yourself from upset.  How?  Accept responsibility. Accept you're responsible for how you feel, irrelevant to how others feel or behave towards you. Accept responsibility & you'll experience...

Good morning , Every time we blame or whine we lose a bit of our precious energy.  Instead, conserve your energy with just 3 little words: I am responsible!  Take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings & actions; & you free up your energy to...