Can you keep other people's secrets?  Or do you find yourself bursting to tell someone something you've just heard? Of course there are times when we have to share the right information with the right person.  But as much as possible, use your willpower...

Hey all, I am sharing secret#17 Go the extra mile. By doing more than is asked and volunteering for task, you will win over grateful allies and show you are ready to take on more. Network like crazy . The more people you...

Hey all, I am sharing secret#16 Listen to what the other person is saying first - don't interrupt when they are making their case Make the other person feel good about themselves. If you can give compliments without seeming too obvious then do so Find out why they have a different view. You might be able...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #14 Take Control. The next time someone asks you to do something, ask what they want and agree a time when you will deal with it, nit now. Get scribbling. Take five minutes to write down every...

Hi all,   I am sharing secret#13 If you have a number of options , allocate each alternative to a different number on a dice. If you are not happy with the number that comes up when you throw the dice then dismiss this option and roll again. Search out reliable expert...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #12 Be proactive. Don't wait for things to happen. Go out and seize the opportunity  Talk to people. The more information you gather , the more likely you are to find that lucky break. People need to know what you are looking for in...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #11 Know the facts but don't solely rely upon them - people make decisions for emotional reasons just as much as rational ones    Connect your ideas  to their priorities and they will make the decisions  for their reasons not...

Hi all, I am sharing Secret#10.. Say no at the beginning of the conversation. This will  set the context and avoid confusion. Give your reasons. Don't try to soften them in fancy language. The clearer the message the better. Listen to other people to show you...

Hi all, I am sharing secret #8 Instill trust . Be clear that you are trying to help them rather than boost your own ego or score points Ask questions. Get them talking early on. " How do you feel the dinner party went...