To create more harmony at home and at work, extend your cooperation. Be attentive to what is needed and be willing to contribute as needed. Be available to lend a hand and offer support and help.  Be ready to share good feelings, no matter how...

When it comes to relationships, both personal and professional ones, are you good at knowing when to step in and when to step back? For relationships to grow and thrive, get better at knowing when to a) step in and get involved, support, help and guide,...

Want to be inspired by trees? Well, like a tree: 1. You are unique; so be different, and stand tall. 2. Know when to let go of all that is no longer essential. 3. Stay rooted in your values and root for everyone. 4. Let your presence refresh...

When delegating, we can delegate responsibility, but not accountability. Are you able to do this? Maybe we can entrust others with the task and the responsibility, and give them space and let them take ownership, but at the same time, check in periodically, offer support, and...

We wish others well. But do you do the same for yourself? Think good thoughts about yourself and wish yourself well. Have good wishes for yourself and it will fuel your day with a feel good factor, as well as support and empower you.   Until da next...

Often we feel quite helpless because we can't do anything to help a situation or help someone. Next time you're feeling helpless, remind yourself that ‘we can always do something’. If not through actions, if not through words, we can always help through our thoughts. Believe...

Are you waiting for someone to tell you what you bring to their life? Why wait for someone? Recognise for yourself: - what you contribute to someone's life - how you support someone in their life - the positive impact you make in people’s lives Recognise the value...

It’s natural to want support from the people around you, but sometimes there isn't the support you want. When this happens, it's disheartening, but try not to take it to heart or let it defuse your enthusiasm. Let it be an opportunity for you to...

Be like a glass. Hold space for others and be a support. Create space in which others can simply be. Do it with positivity and good feeling. Be a glass act and then you become a class act.   Until da next tyme...