"It’s all gone pear-shaped." When things go pear-shaped, leave no space for doubt. No matter what shape things are in, have faith that all is exactly as it should be. Have faith that you have what it takes to handle pear-shaped situations. When life gives you pears, make…. Until...

Memories pop into our minds out of nowhere, bringing with them buried feelings. If it's a happy memory, it gives us a boost.  If it’s not, it triggers the associated negativity, causing heaviness in our minds. When a negative memory comes up, accept it and then,...

The gap between what you say and what you do acts like a drain; a drain where your integrity and people’s trust in you seep away. If you want to strive towards integrity and gain people's trust, close the gap between what you say and...

Trust life. Being trusting doesn’t mean not being careful. By all means, be careful and be sensible, just trust life a little bit more. Trust that life presents situations for you to grow and develop. Trust that life knows your potential for greatness. Trust that life...

How often do you find yourself doubting people’s intentions and sincerity? How about, a) letting go of cynicism, b) trusting people more, and c) trusting people again? Make the effort, even if it's just for today, and see what happens.   Until da next Tyme...

When you feel inspired to do something but feel nervous about the new venture, do you have enough trust in your ability to go for it? And if others tell you not to go for it, do you let them talk you out of it...

We've all done our share of breaking other people's trust, and as we know, once broken, trust is challenging to restore. We can, however make the effort to mend broken trust by owning up to our actions and making amends. We can endeavour to keep the...

When you're working towards your goals and self-doubt creeps in, do you let it get in the way? Next time self-doubt creeps in, reaffirm your trust in yourself, in your abilities. Believe in yourself and it will allow you to stay confident, resilient and motivated to...

Truth builds trust. But sometimes truth hurts. So, are you always truthful? Do you choose tact over truth, or can you be both truthful and tactful? Whether you're voicing your opinions, declining a request or giving feedback, can you be truthful in a kindful way?   Until da...

Are you able to trust that right here, right now, you are exactly where you need to be? Trust that you are on the right path. Trust the journey you are on even when you don't understand it. Trust that you are moving forward and growing...