First attempts aren't always easy, in fact, it's uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But if we never try doing something new, we can never expand our potential. This week, attempt something for the first time. Avoid overthinking the how, and instead, just do it. And, if you start...

Confusion happens. And when it happens most of us don’t like to show it because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Why not, be more comfortable with confusion? Because confusion can be useful. As you try to get a better understanding, it can make you think...

Confusion happens. And when it happens most of us don’t like to show it because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Why not, be more comfortable with confusion? Because confusion can be useful. As you try to get a better understanding, it can make you think...

Is that a spot on your face?  Notice a spot on your face and then the only thing you can think about is the spot on your face! The more self-conscious you become, the more uncomfortable you feel.  Other people may not even notice the spot...

Have you outgrown the known?  Are you feeling stagnant in your comfort zone?  No longer enjoying the familiar?  How about, venturing into the uncomfortable, unknown and unfamiliar?  Even if it feels a bit bewildering and daunting, try to embrace the uncomfortable, get curious about the...

Good morning , Do you remember what it was like to go from a bike with stabiliser wheels to cycling without stabilisers? You can still do this every day, whether it's a task you have never done before or facing an interpersonal issue,...