Can you think of someone who is challenging you? Can you challenge yourself to be more generous towards them? How? Let go of any negative feelings you may hold towards them. Understand that just because they challenge you, it doesn’t mean they are against you. Being...

Sometimes the easiest way to resolve confusion & conflict is by asking other people questions. Ask how they feel. Ask for their perspective. Ask for more information. Ask questions, dig deeper & get understanding & clarity. So, let's not underestimate the power of asking questions.   Until da...

Confusion happens. And when it happens most of us don’t like to show it because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Why not, be more comfortable with confusion? Because confusion can be useful. As you try to get a better understanding, it can make you think...

When someone's talking to you, can you hear what the other person is saying over the noise in your head?  Listen from a place of noise and it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. Next time someone's talking to you, reset your listening position to a...

Every day, we continue to grow, develop and evolve.  Here are 3 ways to evolve, involve yourself in: 1. A conversation. Listen & engage fully to enrich your perspective & understanding. 2. A challenge. Leap out of your comfort zone to expand your capacity &...

Mistakes, we all make them.  But the question is: do you profit from your mistakes? The next time you make a mistake, ask yourself: What do I now know that I didn't before?  What have I discovered?  What do I need to do differently...