Do you give yourself the permission to get things wrong? Are you comfortable admitting when you are wrong? Would you rather do things right or do the right thing? This week, explore the differences between doing wrong, being wrong and doing right. It may lead to...

When you’re wrong, can you willingly admit it? It takes guts, but when you admit you are wrong and apologise, "I am sorry, I was wrong", it shows that you are taking responsibility. Admit you are wrong and you also create a culture of openness, where...

  "You were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry."  Can you willingly apologise when you're wrong? Being right doesn't really matter.  But what does matter is acknowledging when you're wrong, taking responsibility and apologising humbly. Admitting you are wrong not only helps you...

good morning, When things go wrong or not as planned, think 'maybe'! Maybe it's not meant to happen now.  Maybe there's something better to come.  Maybe there's a benefit or something to learn here.  Maybe I could have done things differently. Think...

What's good people, When something goes wrong, it's all too easy to blame just about everybody & everything. But instead of playing the blame game, use your time & energy to fix the situation. Then figure out what went wrong &...